Sitio Baixão De Serra


Abner and his wife, Vanessa, have always worked in coffee production. However, in the beginning, they only provided help for their relatives. Their dream was to have their own little piece of land. In 2011, they sold their house, which was all they had, to fulfil this dream and so they bought Sitio Baixão da Serra.

Abner's whole family is involved in coffee growing. His brothers Edir (Sitio Portella), Edivair and Edenilson have a good experience in the production of specialty coffees too. They work closely together not only during harvest time to pick their coffees but also to share ideas on sustainable practices and improvements.


The Carvalho Family

Yellow Catuai



2 Ha


Abner and Ana Vanessa started producing fine cup coffees at first. The first attempts were useful for them to understand what they had in their hands and how they could develop production focused on high quality. It took time but in 2019, the couple had improved their harvest and post-harvest procedures to a level where they managed to produce an 88 point lot. In 2021 the couple produced a lot that was among the 10 best specialty coffees of Cooxupé's (co-operative they are a member of) harvest and in recent years the family have produced consistently excellent coffees.

All the lots at Sitio Baixão da Serra are prepared as naturals, drying in full sun, turned, piled up and covered at night in order to bring about a slow and even drying that guarantees the sweet flavours of their coffees. With just over 2 hectares and an annual production of roughly 80 bags Abner and Vanessa are focused on getting the best return for their harvest by investing in quality at every stage of the process.


18 Bags

March 2025

April 2025

Vollers UK

yellow and green coffee berries on a bush
Abner Carvalho at sitio baixao de serra coffee farm in brazil