Sitio Paineira
At Sitio Paineira in the Posses region of Campestre, husband and wife Flávio and Liliana Bernades cultivate 20 hectares of coffee to the highest standard.
Flávio Henrique & Liliana Bernardes
Yellow Catucaí
Campestre - Região Vulcânica, Sul de Minas
20 Hectares
Flávio’s grandfather founded the farm at Sitio Paineira with 1500 coffee bushes, and Flávio has continued and grown that legacy. Liliana runs the farm with him, and is also involved in the Donas do Café initiative that fosters and champions female leaders in the specialty coffee sector.
They cultivate Yellow and Red Catuaí and Yellow Catucaí varietals, harvesting between June and August and drying the lots naturally on their paved drying patio. To achieve optimal moisture content and high scoring coffees the Bernades’ sometimes utilise a mechanical dryer - an example of the expertise and attention to detail that they employ in achieving the best coffees possible.
Flávio and Liliana are representative of many producers in Brazil, who use their experience, expertise and hard work to maximise the potential of their land by focusing on producing high scoring specialty coffee. With a direct connection to roasters in the UK, it is possible for them to reap the rewards for their efforts.
13 Bags
February 2025
March 2025
Vollers UK